In 2022 B|D Landscape Architects were appointed by Landsec to develop proposals for the regeneration of Cardinal Place – a public realm in the heart of bustling Victoria.  Housing offices, restaurants, shops and homes, Cardinal Place can play a significant role in the area and community’s development. To achieve this we set out to design a welcoming, bold and biophilic public space.
To provide a truly meaningful new public realm we engaged and relied on input from a variety of groups and stakeholders who live, work and study in Victoria and currently use the space.
The engagement was undertaken through six stages with a variety of users to gain valuable insight to assist us with developing the proposals; office worker questionnaires, an on-site testing phase, youth co-design, consulting key stakeholders, online campaign and a public consultation event.
The main focus of the engagement was a series of 5 workshops with 25+ young people from diverse backgrounds who went on a journey of learning about roles in the built environment, building new relationships with like-minded peers and feeding directly into the design process for Cardinal Place.
The co-design scheme has given the proposals a level of depth, local expertise, and fresh and creative ideas from people whose design potential is otherwise often untapped.Â
We are actively using the young people’s recommendations and designs to develop the scheme in the next stages.